FAST24 Pre-Cons | 8 Hearts in a Duffle Bag – Cardiac and Pulmonary Dissection – Afternoon Session



A valid FAST24 conference ticket is required in order to purchase pre-conference workshop tickets.

Conference Dates: JUNE 10 - 12, 2024
Pre-Con Workshops Date: JUNE 10, 2024
Max Students: 27

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SKU: F24PC-8hearts-1 Category: Tag: Availability:

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Course Description: Prepare for an extraordinary journey into the intricate world of cardiac anatomy with our course, “Peds Pig Lab Plus… The Hands-On Experience.” Led by renowned instructors Lisa and Scott DeBoer of Pedi-Ed-Trics, this program offers a unique opportunity to explore the structures of the heart through hands-on dissection. Scalpels, and step-by-step, instructor-led guidance make this course an unforgettable experience, providing insights into medical and traumatic cardiac emergencies with a special focus on pediatrics.

About the Course:

  • Date and Time: Afternoon Session on June 10, 2024, from 2 PM to 6 PM
  • Location: Wilmington Convention Center Meeting Rooms 106, 107, & 108
  • Price: $150
  • Instructors: Led by Lisa and Scott DeBoer from Pedi-Ed-Trics
  • Maximum Capacity: Limited to 27 students
  • Continuing Education (CE) Hours: 4 CE hours

Unlocking Cardiac Anatomy:

Cardiac dissection is a powerful educational tool that unveils the intricacies of the heart’s structures. This immersive experience goes beyond theoretical knowledge, allowing you to apply your understanding to real-world applications in EMS and critical care transport. Better education leads to improved decision-making and patient care—a fundamental principle that FlightBridgeED and our partners, like Pedi-Ed-Trics, are dedicated to.

Highlights of the Course:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Expert instructors guide you through the dissection process, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
  • Pediatric Focus: Special emphasis on pediatric cardiac anatomy enhances your ability to address cardiac emergencies in young patients.
  • Pig Organ Utilization: Emergency skills are practiced on porcine hearts provided by Pedi-Ed-Trics, with all disposable equipment.
  • Ethical Approach: Rest assured, no animals were euthanized for the purpose of this course.

By participating in “Peds Pig Lab Plus… The Hands-On Experience,” you’ll gain a profound understanding of cardiac anatomy that directly translates to better patient outcomes in the field. This course is your gateway to becoming a more knowledgeable and skilled healthcare provider, equipped to make critical decisions and offer the best care possible to your patients.