Ventilator Management Book Bundle
Product bundle containing our Ventilator Management book collection. Save $20 when you bundle!
FP-C / CFRN or CCP-CÂ Exam Prep and Advanced Practice Update Book
Lecture outlines, practice exam questions with answers and rationale for follow-up and continued exam preparation. You will also find helpful, full-color illustrations.
Ventilator Management: A Pre-Hospital Perspective
#1 Best Seller for Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine and Critical Care mechanical ventilation. A must-own for medical flight teams, MD's, nurses, paramedics, RT's, EMT's and medical students.
Ventilator Management: Advanced Concepts in Critical Care
A thought-provoking book that will dissect ventilator management concepts within critical care medicine, with a focus on intermediate and advanced mechanical ventilation concepts.
This book includes over 350 questions, rationale, and test tips designed to provide you with practice in the type of questions typical of the C-NPT Exam.