APEx Cardiopulmonary
Quiz Summary
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Question 1 of 116
1. Question
A child aspirated a coin, and their left lung is hyperinflated. Where is the coin?
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Question 2 of 116
2. Question
A patient complains of a recent syncopal episode with the following rhythm noted. What is the diagnosis?
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Question 3 of 116
3. Question
A patient is complaining of increasing dyspnea, nonproductive cough, fever, and increased sweating at night. They are HIV positive and have been taking antiretroviral medications for the past five years. Current vitals are as follows: BP 118/68, HR 126, RR 36, SpO2 92% on room air. Based on the assessment, what would the initial diagnosis be?
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Question 4 of 116
4. Question
A patient is diagnosed with pneumonia and resultant sepsis with the following vital signs: 102.3°F, BP 108/68, HR 124, and RR 28. What is the initial cardiovascular response to sepsis?
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Question 5 of 116
5. Question
A pulmonary embolus ________?
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Question 6 of 116
6. Question
A patient is complaining of chest pain that is radiating to their left arm and up into the jaw. They are alert, diaphoretic, and appear anxious. There is an audible S3 at the apex and crackles throughout the lung bases. Vitals and hemodynamic parameters are as follows: BP 80/60, HR 188, CVP 3, PAP 40/24, PCWP 20, CI 3.6, SVR 1340. While utilizing inotropes and vasodilators to maintain optimal PCWP, which of the following parameters is considered optimal for this patient?
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Question 7 of 116
7. Question
An 80-kilogram patient diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction is now suffering from aspiration pneumonia. Vital signs: BP 110/60, HR 110, R 16/assisted. Dopamine is infusing at 10 mcg/kg/min. Current ventilator settings are: SIMV 20, PC 22, Vte 462, (f) 26, PEEP 3 and FiO2 0.6. Current ABG: pH 7.34, PaCO2 50, HCO3– 19, PaO2 50, and SpO2 90%. What would your next treatment priority be?
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Question 8 of 116
8. Question
Oxygen saturation (SpO2) refers to the percentage of oxygen that is?
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Question 9 of 116
9. Question
When comparing EtCO2 and PaCO2, which statement is true?
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Question 10 of 116
10. Question
Which of the following situations would NOT require an asthmatic patient to be intubated and mechanically ventilated?
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Question 11 of 116
11. Question
You are transporting a 3-year-old, 15 kg patient involved in a motor vehicle collision (MVC) who is on a ventilator with the following settings: SIMV 20, Vt 60, FiO2 1.0, PEEP 5, PIP 22, Pplat 19. ABG results are: pH 7.01, PaCO2 70, HCO3- 14, PaO2 280, BE -8. What is the arterial blood gas interpretation?
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Question 12 of 116
12. Question
You are transporting a 4 kg, 3-day-old neonate in severe sepsis and metabolic acidosis who is intubated and sedated. Before intubation, the patient’s initial respiratory rate was 44, with a corresponding EtCO2 of 22. What would be the most appropriate vent settings for this patient?
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Question 13 of 116
13. Question
A patient is complaining of a severe headache. Their blood pressure has been ranging from 230/130 mmHg to 210/105 mmHg. They currently has nitroprusside (Nipride) infusing and being titrated. Which of the following medications would be deemed most appropriate for this patient?
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Question 14 of 116
14. Question
A patient with an extensive anterior wall myocardial infarction has a blood pressure of 88/60, a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) of 15 mmHg, and a cardiac index (CI) of 2.0 L/min. Which of the following diagnoses best describes this condition?
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Question 15 of 116
15. Question
A patient’s blood pressure is 84/60. What is their current MAP?
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Question 16 of 116
16. Question
A patient was recently admitted for an inferior myocardial infarction. There is now a new systolic murmur upon cardiac auscultation. What is the most common cause of this?
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Question 17 of 116
17. Question
Identify the following hemodynamic waveform:
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Question 18 of 116
18. Question
A 1-year-old has a diagnosis of left upper lobe pneumonia. Current vitals: BP 70/36, HR 138, RR 48, SpO2 87%, and T 102.1°F. Current ABG: pH 7.20, PaCO2 68, HCO3– 32, PaO2 65. This presentation will result in which of the following changes?
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Question 19 of 116
19. Question
A 12-kilogram child sustained a salt-water drowning and aspirated approximately 250 mL of fluid. Which of the following would NOT be a concern for potential problems?
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Question 20 of 116
20. Question
A 3-year-old patient’s current ABGs are:
pH 7.30, PaCO2 24, PaO2 62, HCO3– 16. What is your interpretation?
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Question 21 of 116
21. Question
A 4-year-old with a past medical history of asthma is in respiratory distress and appearing anxious. Current vitals: BP 80/32, HR 130, RR 38. Crackles are auscultated throughout the lungs. The patient is placed on the monitor, and sinus tachycardia is noted. Upon review of current arterial blood gas results, you would anticipate which of the following findings?
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Question 22 of 116
22. Question
A ground glass appearance is noted on a patient’s chest film. Their current vent settings: SIMV 16, Vt 700, FiO2 0.80, and PEEP 5. Current ABGs: pH 7.34, PaCO2 38, PaO2 60, HCO3– 24. What pulmonary condition is suspected?
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Question 23 of 116
23. Question
A massive hemothorax in an adult is defined as a rapid accumulation of more than how much blood?
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Question 24 of 116
24. Question
A mechanically ventilated patient who recently underwent a thoracotomy is being transported. You notice the water in the water-seal chamber of the drainage system falls during inspiration and rises during expiration. This fluctuation indicates what?
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Question 25 of 116
25. Question
A normal central venous pressure (CVP)/right atrial pressure (RAP) reading would be?
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Question 26 of 116
26. Question
A patient complaining of chest pain was noted to have a drop in their blood pressure after administration of nitroglycerin. The patient is diaphoretic and complaining of pain as 10/10. A 12-lead ECG reveals ST elevation in leads III, and aVF, and reciprocal changes noted predominantly in lead aVL. What type of myocardial infarction (MI) is suspected?
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Question 27 of 116
27. Question
A patient has a diagnosis of pulmonary embolus and is in respiratory distress, appearing anxious and diaphoretic. Current vitals: BP 94/62, HR 120, RR 38. There are crackles auscultated throughout. What would anticipated findings be on their ABG?
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Question 28 of 116
28. Question
A patient has a past medical history of hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, coronary artery disease, and diabetes mellitus and is complaining of chest pain. Current vitals are: BP 152/90, HR 82, and RR 22. Upon auscultation, there is a noted split S2 on expiration and single S2 on inspiration. A 12-lead ECG is obtained and it has a normal P wave with each QRS complex, and a PR interval measuring 0.2 seconds. The QRS complexes measure 0.14 seconds and are positive in leads V5 and V6, and negative in V1. What do these findings indicate?
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Question 29 of 116
29. Question
A patient has the following parameters: CVP 28, CI 1.2, PA S/D 48/29, PCWP 27, SVR 1700. What diagnosis is suspected?
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Question 30 of 116
30. Question
A patient has the following waveform and is showing ventricular tachycardia on the monitor. The initial intervention for the patient is to?
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Question 31 of 116
31. Question
A patient is complaining of crushing substernal chest pain with their 12-lead ECG showing Mobitz type I, second-degree AV block, and ST segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF. Which vessel is most likely involved?
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Question 32 of 116
32. Question
A patient is presenting with non-specific chest pressure that began approximately two hours prior to arrival. Their blood pressure in the left arm measures 204/106. The blood pressure is verified in their right arm with a measurement of 174/76. Which diagnosis should immediately be suspected?
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Question 33 of 116
33. Question
A patient is suffering from an anaphylactic reaction. They have been given three doses of epinephrine 1:1000 solution, 0.5 mg IM via the anterior-lateral thigh. The patient is now suffering from severe chest pain. A 12-lead EKG is completed, and an acute anterior wall MI with associated ST-segment elevation is seen in V1-V4. What is this presentation called?
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Question 34 of 116
34. Question
A patient is suffering from right heart failure. What hemodynamic change would NOT be expected?
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Question 35 of 116
35. Question
A patient presents with increasing shortness of breath that is worse upon exertion and extreme fatigue. The patient can barely walk a few steps without having to sit down. They have a past medical history significant for myocardial infarction, type II diabetes mellitus and underwent a coronary artery by-pass graft two years ago. They deny chest pain currently. Vital signs: BP 94/64, HR 108 and irregular, RR 30/min and labored, T 98.2°F. There are faint crackles in the lower lobes bilaterally, decreased peripheral pulses in lower extremities, and pitting edema of bilateral lower extremities. Which nursing diagnosis LEAST fits this patient currently?
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Question 36 of 116
36. Question
A patient was brought into the emergency department with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax. Upon assessment, they are noted to be very anxious and sitting on the edge of the bed appearing dyspneic. They complain of numbness/tingling around the mouth and dizziness. Current vitals: BP 132/84, HR 102, and RR 32. What is most likely causing the numbness/tingling around their mouth?
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Question 37 of 116
37. Question
A patient presenting with an arterial blood gas demonstrating a respiratory acidosis is likely suffering from:
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Question 38 of 116
38. Question
A patient that you are transporting from the scene of a motorcycle accident has a blood pressure of 102/58.  What is the mean arterial pressure (MAP)?
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Question 39 of 116
39. Question
A patient with a tension pneumothorax is best treated by needle decompression at the following site:
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Question 40 of 116
40. Question
A post-splenectomy patient is beginning to demonstrate signs of hypoxemia which is likely caused by which of the following?
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Question 41 of 116
41. Question
AÂ patient has left systolic failure and a cardiac index (CI) of 1.3. Which medication would improve contractility?
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Question 42 of 116
42. Question
A patient is currently on a magnesium sulfate drip due to refractory ventricular tachycardia after suffering from an acute myocardial infarction. They suddenly become hypotensive, experience respiratory depression, and hyporeflexia. What is the next best action?
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Question 43 of 116
43. Question
AÂ patient is experiencing left ventricular diastolic failure. What is the focus of first-line therapy?
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Question 44 of 116
44. Question
Acute respiratory failure is defined as?
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Question 45 of 116
45. Question
All intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) systems use helium as the driving gas because of which of the following characteristics?
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Question 46 of 116
46. Question
An 8-year-old patient’s initial ABG values were: pH 7.25, PaCO2 51, PaO2 104, HCO3– 27, SpO2 97%, EtCO2 54. They have been on the transport ventilator during the one-hour flight. Now the EtCO2 is showing 34. What would you anticipate the pH to be?
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Question 47 of 116
47. Question
As you evaluate a chest x-ray from a patient presenting with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related symptoms, you note hyperinflated lungs and tracheal deviation. What is your diagnosis?
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Question 48 of 116
48. Question
Beck’s triad is characterized by which of the following?
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Question 49 of 116
49. Question
Common causes of an elevated pulmonary artery pressure include all of the following except?
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Question 50 of 116
50. Question
Coronary artery perfusion is dependent upon?
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Question 51 of 116
51. Question
Diagnosis of a left bundle branch block (LBBB) meeting Sgarbossa criteria uses which diagnostic indicator for an award of 5 points?
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Question 52 of 116
52. Question
During transport, there are rust colored “flakes” noted in the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) tubing. This indicates what?
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Question 53 of 116
53. Question
Electrical alternans may be caused by?
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Question 54 of 116
54. Question
How is cardiac output (Q) determined?
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Question 55 of 116
55. Question
Identify and diagnose the following chest x-ray.
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Question 56 of 116
56. Question
Identify and diagnose the following chest x-ray.
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Question 57 of 116
57. Question
Identify the following 12-lead:
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Question 58 of 116
58. Question
Identify the timing error.
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Question 59 of 116
59. Question
Identify the timing error.
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Question 60 of 116
60. Question
Identify the timing error.
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Question 61 of 116
61. Question
Identify the timing error.
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Question 62 of 116
62. Question
Identify the underlying problem based on the following hemodynamic parameters:
CVP 2, PCWP 4, CI 1.8, SVR 400
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Question 63 of 116
63. Question
Identify the underlying problem based on the following parameters:
CVP 2, PCWP 7, CI 1.5, SVR 1800
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Question 64 of 116
64. Question
Identify the underlying problem based on the following parameters:
- CVP 1
- CI 1.6
- PA S/D 12/8
- PCWP 5
- SVR 300
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Question 65 of 116
65. Question
Identify the underlying problem based on the following parameters:
- CVP 1
- CI 1.8
- PA S/D 11/5
- PCWP 4
- SVR 1800
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Question 66 of 116
66. Question
If the intra-aortic balloon migrates upward, which site is most likely to be affected?
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Question 67 of 116
67. Question
In a junctional rhythm, if the junctional impulse reaches the atrium and ventricle at the same time, how does the P wave appear on the 12-lead?
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Question 68 of 116
68. Question
In a patient experiencing status asthmaticus, all of the following are expected findings EXCEPT for?
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Question 69 of 116
69. Question
Inadvertant migration of the intra-aortic balloon may cause all of the following EXCEPT:
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Question 70 of 116
70. Question
Oxygen delivery (DO2) is a product of what?
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Question 71 of 116
71. Question
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) could be best described by which of the following phrases?
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Question 72 of 116
72. Question
The central venous pressure (CVP) monitors what?
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Question 73 of 116
73. Question
The dicrotic notch on the pulmonary artery waveform is reflective of what mechanical event in the heart?
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Question 74 of 116
74. Question
The following hemodynamic parameters are obtained: CVP 8, CI 1.4, and PCWP 13. This could indicate what problem for the patient?
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Question 75 of 116
75. Question
The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) is indicated in all of the following patients EXCEPT:
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Question 76 of 116
76. Question
The patient has a low central venous pressure (CVP), low systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and adequate cardiac index (CI). What is the diagnosis?
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Question 77 of 116
77. Question
The patient’s peripheral arterial line is showing a very sharp waveform with readings that appear exaggerated. This may be due to:
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Question 78 of 116
78. Question
The patient’s pulmonary artery (PA) catheter is exhibiting a large defined waveform with an obvious notch on the left side of the waveform. The distal tip is most likely located in the:
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Question 79 of 116
79. Question
The primary trigger used for most intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) operations is?
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Question 80 of 116
80. Question
The pulmonary artery catheter parameters read as follows: CVP 13, CI 1.4, PCWP 18. What is the diagnosis?
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Question 81 of 116
81. Question
The team is called to transfer a patient who underwent a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) three hours earlier. Upon assessment, the following values are noted. The team requests the patient’s previous values for comparison to determine any changes in the patient’s status. Below are the current and previous values.
Current evaluation Two hours prior Blood pressure (BP) 94/72 106/78 Heart rate (HR) 104 86 Central venous pressure (CVP) 2 8 Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) 4 12 Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) 14/6 26/12 Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) 2600 1900 Cardiac output (CO) 3.8 6.1 Cardiac index (CI) 2.3 3.6 After comparing these values, what does the team suspect is occurring with this patient?
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Question 82 of 116
82. Question
The team is called to transport a patient who underwent a heart transplant approximately eight hours ago. Upon assessment, they are noted to be pale, cool, and clammy to the touch. They appear anxious but are alert and awake. Assessment reveals jugular vein distention and diffuse crackles throughout both lungs. Current vitals: BP 96/56, HR 124, RR 28, SpO2 97% on oxygen at 3LPM via nasal cannula. Which of the following medications would be beneficial for this patient?
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Question 83 of 116
83. Question
The team is transporting a patient on an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) and notice that the patient’s urine output has stopped. What is the likely problem?
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Question 84 of 116
84. Question
The team is caring for an 18-month-old, 10 kg patient experiencing a heart rate of 230 beats per minute.  The best medication for this patient is:
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Question 85 of 116
85. Question
The _____________ measures filling pressures on the right side of the heart as the tip of the catheter lies in the right atrium.
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Question 86 of 116
86. Question
Upon review of a patient’s labs, their potassium level is noted to be 3.1 mEq/L. When looking at their ECG, what would be expected?
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Question 87 of 116
87. Question
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Question 88 of 116
88. Question
What finding indicates impending respiratory arrest in a pediatric status asthmaticus patient?
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Question 89 of 116
89. Question
What is the formula for determining a mean arterial pressure (MAP)?
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Question 90 of 116
90. Question
What is the goal for the SvO2 in the septic shock patient?
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Question 91 of 116
91. Question
What is the normal range for the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)?
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Question 92 of 116
92. Question
What is the normal systemic vascular resistance (SVR) measurement?
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Question 93 of 116
93. Question
What therapy is NOT indicated in the treatment of a patient with a rhythm of torsades de pointes?
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Question 94 of 116
94. Question
What would be the anticipated findings in the early stages of septic shock?
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Question 95 of 116
95. Question
What would most likely cause dyspnea with a normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), an increase in pulmonary artery diastolic pressure (PADP), an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and an increase in central venous pressure (CVP)?
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Question 96 of 116
96. Question
When attempting to “wedge” a pulmonary artery (PA) catheter, how much air should be placed into the balloon?
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Question 97 of 116
97. Question
When evaluating a patient in acute respiratory failure, identify the most common finding.
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Question 98 of 116
98. Question
When obtaining a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) on a cardiac patient, there is a large “V” wave present on the waveform. After confirming correct placement of the pulmonary artery (PA) catheter and ensuring that the balloon is not ruptured, what condition is suspected?
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Question 99 of 116
99. Question
When transporting and assessing a patient with a pulmonary catheter, if the pulmonary artery diastolic pressure is more than 5 mmHg above the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), it signals which abnormal condition?
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Question 100 of 116
100. Question
When treating a patient with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, which 12-lead ECG finding could be present?
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Question 101 of 116
101. Question
Which auscultation landmark would pulmonic stenosis best be heard?
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Question 102 of 116
102. Question
Which best describes over-sensing of the cardiac pacemaker?
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Question 103 of 116
103. Question
Which medication is recommended for sedation of a patient in an obstructive shock state secondary to pulmonary hypertension?
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Question 104 of 116
104. Question
Which of the following hemodynamic parameters would be most indicative of cardiogenic shock?
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Question 105 of 116
105. Question
Which of the following hemodynamic parameters would indicate left ventricular failure in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
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Question 106 of 116
106. Question
Which of the following is a secondary complication in a COPD patient?
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Question 107 of 116
107. Question
Which of the following pressures is augmented by the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) inflation?
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Question 108 of 116
108. Question
Which of the following pulmonary artery pressures (PAP) are within normal limits?
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Question 109 of 116
109. Question
Which timing error is the most harmful?
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Question 110 of 116
110. Question
While monitoring the arterial line of a patient with an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), the balloon augmentation starts at what part of the arterial waveform?
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Question 111 of 116
111. Question
While setting up the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), the standard timing ratio is?
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Question 112 of 116
112. Question
You are transferring a patient who recently underwent a left lower lobectomy. When auscultating lung sounds, you notice diminished breath sounds in the right posterior lobe. What is the suspected cause of this?
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Question 113 of 116
113. Question
You are transporting a patient from the ICU that is two days post-trauma. While packaging for transport, you are given the following hemodynamic parameters:Â CVP 1, PCWP 6, CI 2.2, SVR 400. What is your diagnosis?
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Question 114 of 116
114. Question
You are transporting a patient with an active myocardial infarction. Which MI would cause potential ventricular asynchrony?
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Question 115 of 116
115. Question
Your patient presents with jugular venous distention, distant heart sounds, and on chest x-ray has a widened mediastinum.  Based on this information, the patient is likely presenting with what condition:
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Question 116 of 116
116. Question
Your patient presents with the following hemodynamic parameters: CVP 10 mmHg, PCWP 20 mmHg, cardiac output 2 L/min, SVR 2,000 dynes/sec/cm-5. Â What type of shock is this patient in?